Comparison of powder metallurgy and Blanking process

The choice between powder metallurgy and blanking generally depends on the complexity of materials and products.

If the powder metallurgical material can meet the performance of the parts, a part can be made by a piece of mold by a metal plate which is the blanking process. At the same time, mold costs and machine use costs will be greatly increased. At this time, it may be favorable to use powder metallurgical processes for certain parts. When the manufacture consists of several rushing parts, in addition to parts and mold costs, the assembly tools and welding costs need to be increased. At this time, it is more appropriate to use powder metallurgy process manufacturing. When the complexity of the shape of the parts exceeds the manufacturing capabilities of traditional powder metallurgical technology, the metal injection molding process may be a choice of molding process. As mentioned above, the relative molds and production costs depend on the number of molds and crushers required.

The material utilization rate of the powder metallurgical process is very high, while the material utilization rate of the sheets is low. Although the production rate is not as good as the normal rinse and the equipment cost is high, the parts with a countertop are very good. economy. Precision tailoring cannot create parts with two or more tables.


Post time: Sep-29-2022